--> The
Reaper IFF is installed. All that remains is to run appropriate
tests and simulations to ensure successful operation.
an emergency occurring in the Skepsis system. An Alliance system
defence station on the moon of planet Watson has been attacked by
Batarians. The long-range missile launch systems have been seized,
and are arming. This is a developing situation. Alliance forces in
the area are overwhelmed. Those Javelin missiles could hit anywhere
if fired.
Normandy is out of action until the tests are finished. The shuttle
can get us there in time, but not with much margin. We’ll have to
move faster than fast to save human lives. We’ll take the entire
combat team and hit the base on multiple fronts at once. I'll lead
the first squad, Garrus and Jacob will command the second and third.
Whichever squad breaches the defences first disables the missiles.
--> Mission
complete. We didn’t get there in time to stop launch of two
missiles. The first, headed for a residential district, we managed
to self-destruct. The second, headed for an industrial centre, hit
saved thousands of lives. But not enough.
Horizon when the team was still incomplete, this was the first time
all combat personnel hit the field en masse. Everyone performed
admirably, following orders and working together with cohesion
surprising for such a conglomeration of oddballs. They tore through
the opposing pirates like an incendiary round through a nightshirt.
I can’t wait to take these guys into action against the Collectors.
We’re ready, by golly.
analysis of combat personnel is as follows.
Riflemen: Garrus; impulsive and daring, perhaps the best shot on the
team, good leadership skills but potentially reckless, insane
survival record, some technical aptitude and good reconnaissance
skill. Jacob; experienced field officer, level-headed and capable,
popular with the rest of the crew despite his Cerberus uniform,
durable biotic. Grunt; virtually unstoppable killing machine that can
tear apart with his bare hands what he doesn't shred with his
shotgun. Zaeed; ruthless and effective, this deadly and merciless
bastard can now turn his hand to a worthy task. A walking computer,
Legion can match just about anyone in marksmanship, besides boasting
innate software-hacking ability.
Mordin, Kasumi, and Thane are all masters of infiltration in their
own right, each embodying a different archetype: Mordin, the
garrulous Salarian scientist, is a master of analysis and espionage;
Kasumi, the impish thief, is can break into any system and dismantle
security with the greatest of ease; Thane, the sombre Drell assassin,
combines stealth with lethal hand-to-hand and biotic assault.
Biotics: Samara, with centuries of experience hunting down and
killing dangerous fugitives, is one of the ablest biotic warriors
I've ever seen. One on one in open combat she is probably the
deadliest person on the team. Her serene and unswerving calm in the
heat of battle render her perhaps the most dependable of all present,
the least likely of this brave crew to break ranks and disobey
orders, out of either battle rage or fear of the horrors we'll likely
find on the Collector base. Jack, the powerhouse of the team, can
damn well tear through anything. Her volatile disposition has been
kept simmering under a lid for a long time. She's restrained her
destructive inclinations thus far, letting off steam here and there
as needed when afield, and she can now unleash her full destructive
potential on an ideal enemy, one for whom the only possible mercy is
Mordin really does top this list, despite qualifying for the
infiltration designation. His innovations and enhancements of our
weapons, armour, and field gear, all far beyond the bounds of
economical concern, have greatly increased our chances of success,
and without his countermeasures to veil us from the Seeker Swarms, we
never would have gotten this far. Tali comes in a close second.
Brilliant even for a Quarian, her technical expertise and familiarity
with the Normandy may mean the difference between life and death for
the entire crew. Better suited to counteracting synthetic foes than
ordinary organics, she'll be at something of disadvantage against the
Collectors, and should when possible be kept out of the direct line
of fire.
less of an asset and more of a liability despite her impressive
resume, Miranda is a long-serving Cerberus officer with extensive
command experience, but is not popular with the crew. Or me.
Assigning her to a command role would likely cause friction,
nevermind the fact that the odds of her betraying me at some critical
moment are close to certain. When we go in, I'll want to keep
Miranda where I can keep an eye on her, and Thane to watch my back.
--> Disaster.
The crew is gone. All that’s left is Joker and EDI.
was enough of the Reaper left in the IFF to disable the Normandy and
summon the Collectors. They boarded the defenceless ship and took
every man and woman aboard. Only Joker, through EDI’s direction,
evaded capture through the maintenance ducts and removed her
restraints, granting her control of the ship. EDI vented the
remaining Collectors, and whipped the Normandy out of dodge,
ship intact, but minus the crew.
assures us that the trap is sprung and over; she’s purged the
system, and the IFF is now only what we need.
shudder to think what Chakwas and the others are going through right
now, but there’s a silver lining to this cloud. With Joker having
been forced by necessity to remove EDI’s shackles in order to save
the ship, EDI is now completely autonomous. No one can force her to
do or not do anything. When the Illusive Man orders her to seize the
ship, she will no longer be compelled to obey.
ship still runs, but that won’t last for long without the crew.
Even had there been any doubt before, there is none now. It's time
to get our people back. Too long have the Collectors retreated with
impunity behind the Omega 4 Relay. No more. Time to hit them where
they live. I’m ordering the ship through immediately, all
personnel are to be ready for combat in two hours.
confess that, despite the dire plight of the crew, despite the long
odds we face, despite very real possibility that none of us will come
back out, I’m damn ready. After too long waiting, we’re finally
hitting the target. There are not enough Collectors to pay the blood
price of lives they’ve taken. Enough lurking in the bushes. Time
to break cover and sink our fangs deep in our enemy’s throat, and
end them.
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